Self Esteem and Identity Issues

At the heart of many emotional issues is low self-esteem and lack of clarity about identity.  Self-esteem is affected very early in life and if a child has grown up with low self-esteem it can impact their entire life. There are skills that people with low self-esteem can learn to feel better about themselves and develop an identity that feels right for them.

Self Esteem is the degree to which people feel confident, consider themselves valuable, and respect themselves, and this greatly affects well-being. Self-esteem exists on a continuum, from high to low, and low self-esteem is associated with self-doubt, self-criticism, social isolation, suppressed anger, and shame. Low self-esteem is also a symptom of several mental health conditions, including anxiety and depression.

Poor self-esteem most often develops in childhood. The experiences of childhood often define who we are. There are a number of things about childhood that can affect someone’s self-esteem.

Treatment for Low Self Esteem

Psychotherapy can be really helpful for people dealing with self-esteem and identity issues. Cognitive Behavioral therapy can help clients identify the negative self-talk that keeps the old message of their childhood alive. Psychodynamic therapy is a type of insight oriented therapy that really helps people understand where their negative messages of childhood came from and helps them to see they do not need to hold on to these messages in adult life.

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