Insurance & Payment Information


At Primrose Healing and Wellness, we are out of network with all insurance companies. Most people do not understand the limitations that insurance companies put on the type of care that individuals can receive.

Why we don’t take insurance…

Insurance companies require a psychiatric diagnosis in order to pay for services. These must be psychiatric disorders that are found in the diagnostic and statistical manual VI. Not everyone seeking therapy necessarily fits the criteria for a diagnosis. If a diagnosis is not given, insurance companies will not pay. When people come in for couples’ therapy, there is often no psychiatric diagnosis and people do not want that label. When using insurance, clients often do not realize that the content of their sessions with their therapist are not always confidential. When using insurance, an individual is allowing their insurance company to talk with the therapist about the client. Insurance companies want information about diagnosis, treatment planning and oftentimes the content of sessions. The insurance companies are determining if it is medically necessary for the client to be receiving services. Insurance companies are telling therapists the type of therapy that is approved to use and the number of sessions that they will pay for. Primrose Healing and Wellness has a strong philosophy in working with our clients to design treatment plans that meet the unique needs of every individual. We do not want to limit our services because an insurance company dictates what we can and can not do. We strongly value the confidential relationship that clients have with their therapist. We have seen how detrimental it can be for clients when confidential information can be accessed by health insurance companies.

At Primrose Healing and Wellness, we offer high quality care to our clients. We work for them and not for insurance companies. Our clients are involved in their own treatment planning and goal setting. We do not want the type of care we provide compromised, which is why we haven chosen to not take insurance.


We accept cash, check and all major credit cards as forms of payment. We also accept payment directly on my site via this page.

Cancellation Policy

If you are unable to attend a session, please make sure you cancel at least 24 hours beforehand. Otherwise, you may be charged for the full rate of the session.

Any Other Questions

Please contact us for any additional questions you may have. We look forward to hearing from you!

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