Career Counseling: Career Related Issues

Many people struggle with career related issues. These issues can range from trying to define what type of career they would like, conflict mediation with people at work, to career transitions. All of these career issues can cause stress. Career counseling can be an effective way to clarify these career issues.

Why would someone seek out Career Counseling?

  • To identify interests that might be related to careers
  • To set goals in regards to a career choice or a career change
  • To discern how a college major can be applied to a job search.
  • To discuss problems related to a current job
  • To learn conflict management skills
  • To help in a job/career transition process
  • To help develop a good work/life balance.

“Unfortunately, few Americans receive effective career development services. A recent NCDA-sponsored Harris poll indicated that more than half of the randomly selected participants reported seeking out career assistance in the past year. However, only 24% of the respondents in this poll actually reported visiting a trained career counselor at some point in their lives.” – Susan C. Whiston & David L. Blustein

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